TuSimple Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:TSP – Get Free Report)’s stock price traded up 4.3% during mid-day trading on Tuesday . 1,339,431 shares traded hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 47% from the average session volume of 2,518,976 shares. T...
BEIJING, July 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- On July 18th, EACON, a leading provider of comprehensive autonomous mining technology and haulage services in China, held a launch ceremony for the deployment of 100 hybrid autonomous mining trucks. EACON ...
A driverless Waymo car stops instead of turning on the yellow arrow at the intersection of Guerrero and Duboce streets. Surprising ManeuverabilityDespite all its robotic rule-following, you shouldn’t doubt an autonomous vehicle’s ability to nav...
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — Aurora Innovation continues to chip away at the financial and technical mileposts needed to launch and grow its self-driving trucking business. The company moved Tuesday to bolster its financial position, saying it inten...
Pardon the mixed metaphor—roses don't drive—but I couldn't think of another way to summarize the current prospects for truly autonomous vehicles. In particular, Tesla has marketed an expensive option for their electric vehicles called "Full Sel...
Steel Hand Trucks Market [2023-2030]: Investment Opportunities and Business Strategies by Major Players:Harper Trucks, Milwaukee Hand Trucks (Gleason Industrial Product)Steel Hand TrucksU.S. House of Representatives Supports Dual-Use Acquisition Strategies for Army Autonomous Drivin...
Autonomous Trucks
Section 267 of the House passed NDAA, reflects Congress's increasing interest in encouraging dual-use technology acquisition strategies, which will encourage cutting-edge commercial technology developers to adapt their technology for national s...